Are you following EVERY social media page for tips?
Have you purchased DIY programs to help you c-section scar?
​Did you have physiotherapy rehabilitation but have since stopped the exercises?
Is your scar pulling, burning, itching, ugly, sad, red, lumpy?
Our goal is to help all scars find their best selves.
Often, the physical scar is much easier to process than the emotional one that can be left behind.
A lot of people "brush it under the rug" their sadness or fears that came with their experience.
Looking at a mind-body approach through somatic practices, we can help heal ALL layers of tension.
Scar Treatment involves Osteopathic Myofascial Soft Tissue techniques along with the MPS Scar Release Therapy device that provides a safe low level electrical current along either side of your scar. Scar Release Therapy (SRT), a clinically tested solution for reducing the effects scars have on our overall health. Microcurrent Point stimulation (MPS) is a patented solution that increases inter-cellular metabolism, protein synthesis and healing functioning to allow the skin to self-generate optimally.The micro-current helps to speed up the healing process by activating ATP and increasing metabolism. By reducing restrictions and adhesions in the connective tissue, you'll regain function, improve mobility and visual healing. (source)
The number of treatments is determined by the size, age, patient compliance and healing capacity of the scar.
Working alongside collaborative health care practitioners, you'll be supported in every way.

Sheri D. Medina
Osteopathic Practitioner
As a manual therapist, I've seen time and time again how untreated scars can affect the body in ways that most aren't familiar with. Just because you've had a scar for a long time, unfortunately doesn't mean it's healed well. Oftentimes it hasn't healed well at all due to the lack of support and information to help in the early days.
This is an area that is under-serviced and has a lot of different information especially about what to do after a c-section.
After experiencing my own surgeries, I was left to "fend for myself". Maybe a bit harsh but that's truly how I felt. I didn't have ANY support for even the wound care of the incision. No guidance on even HOW to wash the area or what to do or NOT DO to prevent infection. A C-section is major abdominal surgery and the lack of support from the medical community was shocking.
I have chosen to focus my studies and expand my ever learning brain to help ALL people through ANY surgical procedure to feel confident and heal as smoothly as possible.
Treatments consist of a variety of different hands-on techniques, compression applications along with exercises and mind-body practices. You'll be set up with a home care routine that uses what you've been taught during treatment along with additional resources and tools such as oils and lotions for self massage.

Coming Soon
Scar Therapist

Types of Scars Treated
Hernia Repair Scars
Appendectomy Scars
Splenectomy Scars
Mastectomy/Lumpectomy Scars
Cholecystectomy (gallbladder) Scars
Knee Replacement Scars
Scars from Skin Procedures (ie: mole removal)